AltonaLab combinated Temp&Hum sensor


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Product Description

AltonaLab combinated Temperature and Humidity sensor is a single board with two sensors:

– Temperature sensor with LM335. It works in range -20..+100 C, accuracy: 1%. The sensor’s output is 0..5V. The measured output voltage Vout of the sensor can be converted to temperature using the expression below: T = (Vout-2.7315)*100.0 In case, the Vout is measured with ADC 0..3.3V, it would be good to be used a connector board with a resistor divider 1.5k/3.0k.

At AltonaLab software, the corresponding functional block is AltonaSensorTemp from Sensors library.

– Humidity sensor with sensitive element is HIH-5031-001. It works in range 0 ~ 100% RH, accuracy: ±3% RH. The sensor’s output is 0..5V. The measured output voltage Vout of the sensor can be converted to RH using the expression below: Rh = (Vout / 0.0318) – 23.83075 In case, the Vout is measured with ADC 0..3.3V, additional connector board is needed with a resistor divider 1.5k/3.0k.

At AltonaLab software, the corresponding functional block is AltonaSensorHumidity from Sensors library.